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Friday, February 8, 2024

For more information, contact:
Jamie Lucas, (720)621-3689,

Planned Parenthood Workers Win Their Union in Historic Vote, Uniting for Stronger Care Across Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE – The Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals is proud to announce a significant victory for the dedicated healthcare workers of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, as they have successfully won their union election with 81% of the vote yesterday. Following a democratic process, employees across various roles within the organization have chosen to unionize, marking a pivotal moment in the history of reproductive healthcare advocacy and the resurgence of the labor movement in Wisconsin. We expect the National Labor Relations Board to certify the election in the coming days.

WFNHP Letterhead Banner

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

For more information, contact:
Jamie Lucas, (720)621-3689,

Planned Parenthood Workers Unite for Stronger Care and Form Union Across Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE – In a historic move aimed at fostering long-term sustainability for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, healthcare workers from clinics across the state have joined forces to establish a union. Their initiative seeks to empower those at the forefront of patient care by providing them with a formal voice in shaping the conditions under which they work.


WFNHP Local-5000 Election Announcement - 2024-2025 New Officers

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December 15, 2023

We would like to announce the following union leaders were recently re-elected as Officers of the WFNHP Local 5000 Executive Board for a term of office beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2025. You may recall we sent out a newsletter this Fall asking for nominations to fill the 7 positions that make up our Executive Board. All current Officers decided to run for re-election. Since all candidates ran unopposed, according to our union's constitution and bylaws, these individuals were automatically elected after review by the Election Committee, and without the need for a secret ballot vote by the membership. Congratulations to the following Officers on your re-election:

PRESIDENT: Connie Smith (Ascension-St. Francis Serv/Tech)

EXEC. VICE PRESIDENT: Barb Pomasl (Non Bargaining Unit)

SECRETARY: Rachel Spotz (Aurora Burlington)

TREASURER: John Epple (Non Bargaining Unit)

VP-at-Large: Louie Borda (Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories)

VP-at-Large: Mary Milton (Non Bargaining Unit)

VP-at-Large:  VACANT

12-9-12 Membership Meeting Flyer
Join us on Saturday, December 9th from 11AM to 2PM for our next WFNHP-Local 5000 Membership Meeting. We will be meeting in three locations (Antigo/Cumberland/Milwaukee) simultaneously to allow for more members to attend/participate. In addition to our regular reports and union business, we will have a special guest speaker--Joe Burns, who will be discussing the importance of fighting back against healthcare corporations, and how taking collective actions can help build worker power and strengthen our union.
AFT Health Care Fall 2023 Issue Cover

The goal of the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals (WFNHP) Code Red campaign is to engage healthcare workers in healing our healthcare system and making it sustainable again—which our members and our patients desperately need. The corporate model of healthcare prizes the bottom line over the frontlines and over patient safety. It has driven healthcare workers to the breaking point. The pandemic lit healthcare on fire, laying bare its structural issues and demonstrating just how unsafe and unsustainable corporate healthcare’s “do more with less” approach is.

For years, our


What unions do

In AFT President Randi Weingarten’s latest New York Times  column, she describes what it is exactly that unions do. Though unions are the most popular they have been in decades, anti-union sentiment still thrives in red states and across the nation. “Several years ago, The Atlantic ran a story whose headline made even me, a labor leader, scratch my head: ‘Union Membership: Very Sexy,’” Weingarten writes in the column. “The gist was that higher wages, health benefits and job security—all associated with union membership—boost one’s chances of getting married. Belonging to a union doesn’t actually guarantee happily ever after, but it does help working people have a better life in the here and now.” Click through to read the full column.