February 14, 2020
Milwaukee, WI--The Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals is proud to announce the following endorsements for the 2020 Spring Primary Election.
Milwaukee County Executive: Chris Larson and Theo Lipscomb
Chris Larson has demonstrated that he believes in nurses’ rights, workers’ rights, and that healthcare is a human right. He has put himself out there to do what is right and offers a record and vision that will move us in the right direction. Theo Lipscomb has enmeshed himself in service to the County for years. He has been a champion for our members who needed not just an ally, but a leader in the wake of Act 10 at the County level. The people of Milwaukee County are fortunate to have either candidate in the Executive’s office.
Wisconsin State Supreme Court: Ed Fallone and Jill Karofsky
Ed Fallone is a recognized constitutional law expert with a record of serving the underserved, which is a background deeply needed on the Court. Jill Karofsky is an experienced and well-respected judge whom we would be excited to see continue to defend our values on the State Supreme Court.
Milwaukee Mayor: No endorsement
While each candidate offered interesting ideas, nobody stands apart with the aggressive and unwavering approach necessary to remedy the gross inequities of the City. We are choosing to not endorse in the Mayoral race for the city of Milwaukee.
We face crises in wages, healthcare, housing, and overall quality of life in this City. Healthcare corporations make up a large sector of employment, and the next Mayor of Milwaukee needs to commit themselves to ensuring that these corporations act responsibly as employers and providers of care with a responsibility to our community.
The healthcare crisis and housing crisis that exist in Milwaukee needs to be addressed with bold tangible plans that the next Mayor of Milwaukee would implement. We understand the challenges of the office, but we also need to keep in mind our members and community we serve.
Milwaukee City Comptroller: Alex Brower
Alex Brower will bring a progressive, people-first approach to the office of the Milwaukee City Comptroller. His decisions in office will be informed by his strong background of activism and time as a union leader himself, which is sorely needed in today’s political climate.
Additionally, WFNHP officially endorses the “Yes for MPS” campaign, the coordinated effort to help pass the school-funding referendum on the ballot in Milwaukee. Every child deserves a fully funded education, including having a nurse in every school. We cannot remedy the unhealthy inequities in our community without giving every child in this city a fair chance at success.