All 11 Chapters of WFNHP Local 5000 held their election of officers in March 2018. The WFNHP Election Committee has counted the ballots and certified the results. These officers will lead their union for the next two years.
The new leadership teams include nurses and health professional leaders from across the state and from a variety of backgrounds. The elected leaders’ unique experiences are sure to enhance the work of our union and its vision of being recognized as a dynamic leader in ensuring the health of our community and the rights and living standards of our members and all healthcare workers in Wisconsin.
The election results are as follows: (Chapters are listed in alphabetical order.)
ANTIGO ~ Aspirus Langlade Hospital
President - Mary Below
Chief Steward - Nancy Rasmussen
Recording Secretary - Elizabeth Voss
ASCENSION ~ St. Francis Hospital RN's
President - Mary Milton
Chief Steward - Jenni Dzemske
Recording Secretary - Lindsay Ullman
ASCENSION ~ St. Francis Hospital Service & Techs
President - Connie Smith
Chief Steward - Mark Cuyler
Recording Secretary - Tracey Schwerdtfeger
BURLINGTON ~ Aurora Memorial Hospital-Burlington
President - Pam Mueller
Vice President/Chief Steward - Jean Marcone
VP of Membership - Sandy Clark
CUMBERLAND ~ Care & Rehab
President - Linda Morgan
Chief Steward - Stacy Castona
Stewards - Angela Heinecke & Shelley Morneau
CUMBERLAND ~ Hospital RN's
President - Rebecca Ekenstedt
Chief Steward - Susie Caughey
Recording Secretary - Pam Regenauer
CUMBERLAND ~ Hospital Service & Techs
President - Deanna Johnson
Chief Steward - Jackie Greiner
Recording Secretary - Pam Regenauer
Steward - Terry Dash
President - Anna Maring
Chief Steward - Courtney Rampelberg
Recording Secretary - Donna Jensen
TOUCHPOINT ~ St. Francis Hospital
President - Judy Langoehr
Chief Steward - Rob Bahling
Recording Secretary - Ashley Kirkwood
President - Yolanda Smith
Vice President - Cheri Stuttley
Recording Secretary - Ginger Jefferson
Treasurer - Roy Gerber
President - Charles DeLaPena
Vice President - Louie Borda
Chief Steward - John Epple
Recording Secretary - Nicolette Tarantino
If you need contact information for your union officer(s), email us.