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WFNHP President Candice Owley Statement on Today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court Anti-worker Ruling

December 19, 2014          Contact: Candice Owley, 414-899-7070

 WFNHP President Candice Owley's Statement on Today's
Wisconsin Supreme Court Anti-worker Ruling

Milwaukee, WI--In another sign of a deeply divided Supreme Court, today in a 3-2 decision, the majority ruled future pension benefits for Milwaukee County employees can be reduced, while affirming that already vested benefits cannot be changed. Today's ruling overturned a unanimous Appeals Court decision and, as Justice Bradley wrote in her dissent, was "another blow to the rights of employees." As we h ave seen in earlier decisions, Justice Bradley and Chief Justice Abrhamson again issued a formal dissent to the ruling and stood solidly on the side of working families.

In a democracy, the citizens must know that courts are above politics; but, in an all too familiar pattern, the Wisconsin Supreme Court continues to issue rulings that side with employers and against the rights of workers. Our members are deeply disappointed but, frankly and sadly, not very surprised. It is time we take money and politics out of the judicial system and restore faith in impartial justice in Wisconsin.


Wisconsin FNHP is a division of AFT Nurses & Health Professionals, which represents more than 120,000 nurses and other healthcare professionals.

A Union of Professionals

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